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Why is Rest Important For Busy Professional Women?

sleep Dec 06, 2023

Rest is a way to harness your energy.

Rest is a way to reset.

Rest is a powerful tool.

Rest comes in many forms: sleep, relaxation, working on your hobbies, reading, yoga, a hot shower, enjoying a slower morning, time with friends... the list goes on.

How does rest look for you?

Sleep is an important form of rest—a form of rest we sometimes put on the back burner or is the first thing to do when we are stressed.

The optimal amount of sleep—not too little or too much—may reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Lack of sleep might diminish our antioxidant levels and weaken our immune systems. Studies suggest that the intake of fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants, as well as cherries, raspberries, and kiwifruit, can help replenish nutrients lost during times of stress or sleep deprivation.


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