Breath In. Breath Out. Be still.

Hi! Tell me if this is you...

Are you a woman in healthcare who no longer finds joy in her work or personal life?

Do you dread going into clinic or the operating room?

Do you wish you had more time with your family and friends?

And even when you do have time, do you find yourself constantly tasking.

Have you experienced unexplained fatigue, GI upset, and headaches?

I see you.  

Many busy professional women might give off an air of accomplishment and success, but deep down, we are facing some real challenges. Many of us are burned out.

Here's the truth: it's completely possible to love your life, both inside and outside the your career.

You are smart, women, and can handle some seriously tough stuff. So, it's only fair to want a life that matches the hard work you have put in. 

In training, we did not learn how to create a life full of joy and fulfillment. But guess what? It's time to change that.


The solution: 1:1 Coaching to create SIMPLE and REALISTIC lifestyle changes to work through burnout

In 1:1 coaching we meeting weekly virtually for about 30-40 mins for 3-6 months. Given most of my clients are in healthcare- I work around busy schedules!

Step 1: Uncover


In our work together, we will create a baseline awareness of your well-being. When you are in the thick of burnout, you often do not realize how it can affect different parts of your life and physical/mental wellbeing. We often think we are the problem when, in fact, it's not us, it's burnout.


    - Understand how your burnout is affecting your work-life balance.

    - Identify your energy drains and energy boosters.

    - Become attuned to how your mindset plays a huge role in determining your health and well-being.

    - Uncover your greatest strengths.


Step 2: Undo & Unwind


Women in healthcare are stressed at work and at home. Together, we will discuss stress management techniques, time management strategies, and empowering mindset shifts.


You will learn how to rest, rejuvenate, and uncover your resilience to take back work-life control and work through or prevent burnout.


You will also learn how to undo habits that do not serve you!


Step 3: Unleash


We will practice using your new habits and sustainable mindset shifts to go from surviving to thriving. We do this by creating weekly SMART goals and checking in on your progress weekly. We talk about roadblocks and strategize how to overcome them. 


You will be able to create more time for fun and pleasure. You will be able to look forward to going to work and creating a future YOU want (not a future that has been prescribed for you). You will feel like yourself again.

"This really exceeded my expectations. I never thought it was possible for me to stick with something and be consistent and make these lifestyle changes. I'm very impressed with myself and appreciate you."

Lisa T BS/RN, Mom of 2



What other women  tell me:

  • I'm tired and I don't feel present with my kids after work.
  • I thought I would love my job more. I've worked so hard to get to this point in my career but I'm not satisfied.
  • There is not enough time or physical energy for me. I feel guilty taking time for myself.
  • I scroll on my phone or eat sugary desserts at night after a long day. I can't get myself to get up early to workout.
  • I want more out of this life- out of my work life and home life but I feel stuck.
  • I wish I loved being a mother and a xyz more. 

Studies have shown evidenced based coaching can improve outcomes of well-being and mitigate symptoms of burnout for women in busy professional fields.

PMCID: PMC10551770.

My coaching style is based on lifestyle medicine- evidenced based strategies to help you feel better. Take back work-life control. Enjoy what you've worked so hard to achieve!

A little bit about me:

Hi! I'm Shani Esparaz. I'm a double board-certified physician, certified health and well-being coach, mom of two, cookie dough lover, and home baking fanatic. Just a few years ago, I thought something was wrong with me. I no longer looked forward to going to work. I had unexplained fatigue and gastrointestinal issues. I felt like I was just going through the motions of being a mom and wife without truly relaxing and enjoying my time outside of work. I didn't realize it, but I was burned out.

Fast forward, I'm so much happier in medicine, and I'm glad I didn't quit. I now own my own practice and my own wellness business, where I get to help other women in healthcare feel better too!

While I still face challenges and curveballs daily as a physician and parent. I now feel better equipped to handle those situations. I also have found more joy and fulfillment!


Interested in 1:1 Coaching?

Book a FREE 30 min discovery call!

Let's get to know each other

  • 1:1 coaching helped me turn my life around and I'm confident it can help you reach your career, health, and wellness goals
  • In our 30 min chat we will talk about one challenge you are facing right now and how coaching with me can help you work through it.
  • I will share more about the structure of coaching and how it works

Still on the fence?

Imagine the possibilities: having more energy, spending less time on charting, and having more time to be with your kids and family. Imagine having the confidence to negotiate for part-time work or a higher salary, and gaining sustainable skills to master your thoughts, enabling you to feel more resilient in the face of complications and challenges at work.

Or stay the course: continue to invest energy in things that do not fulfill you or bring you joy. Try to create new habits, only to find that you are back to square one. Feel depleted mentally and physically.

Check Out What My Clients Say!

Nicole Legare MD Ophthalmologist, Practice Owner

Shani really focused on our own specific goals and working towards each individualized goal instead of trying to coach us into her own template for what works. Some coaching programs want you to follow their template, but that does not work for everyone! She also had us zoom WAY out and look at our long term goals and determine how each small goal can get us there. I also appreciated Shani's relatability. She is not coaching from a pedestal, she is really on our level trying to better herself as well.

Mary V Optometrist, Practice Owner

I could relate to Shanika as a health mentor/coach. Working in similar healthcare field and having young children, it was hard to find time to workout or instill healthy habits. I was constantly facing mom guilt and self guilt when I don't reach my goals. I felt like being a part of her program/team of like minded women was so helpful. I felt like we were all going through the same struggles and so any health advice/support from Shanika felt more practical and attainable.

Lisa T BSN/RN, Mom of 2.

Since working with Shanika my health and wellness has become consistent and also a priority. In the beginning I used Shanika to hold me accountable. A couple weeks into our journey, something clicked! I realized I didn’t need her to hold me accountable because I was accountable for myself. Through this journey I learned to love myself again and take pride in my health and wellness. Everyday is a different journey and by working with Shanika I was able to make SMART, realistic goals that help me stay on track and achieve what I set out to do.