Breath In. Breath Out. Be still.

Client Testimonials 

"This really exceeded my expectations. I never thought it was possible for me to stick with something and be consistent and make these lifestyle changes. I'm very impressed with myself and appreciate you."

Lisa T BS/RN, Mom of 2


What was your health & wellness like before working with Shani Esparaz?

Lisa T BSN

Prior to working with Shanika my health and wellness was inconsistent. It was all or nothing. If I didn’t start my week off well it usually ended in me being self destructive. I didn’t understand that it wasn’t all black and white and that it was an actual journey. One bad meal or day without exercise didn’t mean I needed to just keep splurging- which is usually what I would tend to do.


P.Y. MD Ophthalmologist

Below adequate, not motivated Motivation, commitment to health


N.M. MD Endocrinologist

Trying to balance a busy career, deadlines and family with exercise routine.


Nicole Legare MD Ophthalmologist, Practice Owner

I am a new owner of a solo ophthalmology practice and mother of a toddler living 800 miles from my husband and main support system. I was trying to be the perfect business owner and mother, but I was neglecting to take care of myself. I really wanted to focus on waking up early before my son got up so that I could focus on my own wellness.


Julia Rose Peds Heme Onc NP

I felt challenged creating good, sustainable habits and was looking for guidance on how to improve


Mary V Optometrist, Practice Owner

I was constantly busy with work and raising a young family. There's always a reason to not have time for healthy eating or working out. I was looking for a coach/mentor who would help me find accountability and help me set positive mind shifts to reach my health goal.


M.C. Ophthalmologist 

Unbalanced & not the center of focus.

What would you tell someone considering working with Shanika Esparaz?

Lisa T BSN


100% do it! She is worth it. Shanika truly exceeded my expectations. Trusting in her and the process has helped my achieve so many goals and really helped my stay consistent when it comes to my health and wellness.


P.Y. MD Ophthalmologist

She’s an amazing coach and person! They should def do it if they are struggling with balance in their life.


N.M. MD Endocrinologist

Definitely, already was telling a colleague of mine about Shanika!


Nicole Legare MD Ophthalmologist, Practice Owner

If you need/want accountability for working towards your own wellness goals, just try it out! You may be surprised at how much progress you make with Shanika Esparaz!


Julia Rose Peds Heme Onc NP

Do it! You won’t regret investing in yourself


Mary V Optometrist, Practice Owner



M.C. Opthalmologist

She is very relatable, carries zero judgement on big feelings, & can talk you through the most positive, negative, & regular times through life. She gives you the tools to solve your own problems/concerns in a way that can continue on even after coaching. Recommend 100% especially to professional women who want to feel better in the new year.

What made Shanika Esparaz's coaching stand out from other programs you've looked into?

Lisa T BSN

I had worked with Shanika in the past so I felt comfortable sharing this journey with her.


P.Y. MD Ophthalmologist

Commitment, dedication, and focusing on how we feel and what is the drive to day motivated internally vs doing things that are extreme or won’t work.


N.M. MD Endocrinologist

Reviewing what has been going great and makes you realize the improvements and progress that can me made to achieve satisfaction.


Nicole Legare MD Ophthalmologist, Practice Owner


Shani really focused on our own specific goals and working towards each individualized goal instead of trying to coach us into her own template for what works. Some coaching programs want you to follow their template, but that does not work for everyone! She also had us zoom WAY out and look at our long term goals and determine how each small goal can get us there. I also appreciated Shani's relatability. She is not coaching from a pedestal, she is really on our level trying to better herself as well.


Julia Rose Peds Heme Onc NP

She’s a close friend who I trust.


Mary V Optometrist, Practice Owner

I could relate to Shanika as a health mentor/coach. Working in similar healthcare field and having young children, it was hard to find time to workout or instill healthy habits. I was constantly facing mom guilt and self guilt when I don't reach my goals. I felt like being a part of her program/team of like minded women was so helpful. I felt like we were all going through the same struggles and so any health advice/support from Shanika felt more practical and attainable.

M.C. Ophthalmologist



What have you been able to achieve since working with Shanika Esparaz on your health & wellness? How has coaching impacted your life?

Lisa T BSN

Since working with Shanika my health and wellness has become consistent and also a priority. In the beginning I used Shanika to hold me accountable. A couple weeks into our journey, something clicked! I realized I didn’t need her to hold me accountable because I was accountable for myself. Through this journey I learned to love myself again and take pride in my health and wellness. Everyday is a different journey and by working with Shanika I was able to make SMART, realistic goals that help me stay on track and achieve what I set out to do.


P.Y. MD Ophthalmologist

Commitment, motivation, finding the reason internally why I want to do this


N.M. MD Endocrinologist

Making time to prioritize what is important to me.


Nicole Legare MD Ophthalmologist, Practice Owner

I now consistently wake up between 5 and 5:30am to do activities for ME! Before this, I would wake up at 6:50am needing to be out the door by 7:50am with both my son and I ready for the day. By waking up early, I am able to do whatever tasks I need to do without rushing. Some days it may be working out, other days it is drinking a cup of coffee and reading a book or studying for my board exam.


Julia Rose Peds Heme Onc NP

I’ve actually been able to create good habits and stick with them.


Mary V Optometrist, Practice Owner

I felt like I am 80% there and just a matter of staying consistent. Shanika gave me an important tool which is to get rid of the self/mom guilt and focusing on the positive (even small) wins. She help me realize the importance of starting with small mind shifts and also to design small measurable goals. By designing small measurable goals, I am setting myself up for success to achieve my larger health goals.


M.C., Ophthalmologist

Setting goals for myself & not feeling guilty about making things happen. Really taking time to enjoy the positive, big & little things in life & realizing the things we feel are founded & ok.

What has exceeded your expectation since working with Shanika Esparaz? What has been an unexpected benefit of coaching?

Lisa T BSN

I have exceeded my expectations since working with Shanika. In the beginning I was unsure of how this process was going to go. I figured I would be able to accomplish my goals due to my competitive nature but half way through our time together it became less about the goals and more about me. I learned to love myself again and make myself a priority. I have since completed my journey with Shanika and I am still going strong! My overall health and wellness is top priority. Shanika was able to set me up for success by helping me come up with strategies to obtain what I set out to do. I found fun, creative ways to keep myself engaged and make taking care of myself fun.


P.Y. MD Ophthalmologist

That it’s ok not to achieve all my goals, to forgive myself and move on and try for the next week.


N.M. MD Endocrinologist

Makes you accountable, sit down and reassess how to feel overall content.


Nicole Legare MD Ophthalmologist, Practice Owner

To be honest, when I started I told my husband that I really didn't expect it to help but that I would try it out. Here I am 8 weeks later having met my main goal, plus working towards some other goals.


Julia Rose Peds Heme Onc NP

The accountability piece was helpful


Mary V Optometrist, Practice Owner

YES! Shanika was motivating and I especially enjoy the short coaching videos and I listen to them as I drive the kids to school in the morning. An unexpected benefit of coaching is how I feel about working out and eating healthy. I am learning to have a positive relationship with fitness and healthy eating.


M.C. Ophthalmologist

Having the self awareness to continue to focus on goals that will embrace my own values; not only at work, but at home & in everyday life as well. Realizing that moms/docs/professionals have similar challenges & that it’s ok to outsource & put time in for yourself. Taking time to dedicate to myself has been not only beneficial for me, but my family & people I love.