Breath In. Breath Out. Be still.

Envision Your Wellness

Wellness Mastermind For Women in Medicine

Using lifestyle medicine-based principles and the Envision Your Wellness framework to go from surviving to thriving.


Why Choose Me as Your Coach? 


I'm Shani Esparaz.

After graduating with my MD, I knew what the next steps are. Or, at least I thought. Finish intern year, ophthalmology residency, retina fellowship, and find a good job and get board certified in my specialty.

I was at the top of my game with my career: doing more surgical cases, seeing more patients, and growing my practice. I was also feeling more burned out, having more headaches and neck pain, gaining weight and losing muscle. At the end of the day, I wasn't present for my kids or husband. I was a shell of a person. 

I went on a health and wellness journey for myself, for my family, and for my patients. I became double board certified in Lifestyle Medicine to learn how to improve my health- physical and mental, and now I'm here to share it with you. 

Looking back, I now have more freedom and flexibility with my time because of the choices I made to invest in my health and well-being. I'm more present and feel better.

I want that for you too!

Shanika, Esparaz, M.D., Envision Your Wellness Coach

"As a certified health and wellness coach, my job is to help you go from surviving to thriving." 

         - Shani Esparaz, M.D.

Shani really focused on our own specific goals and working towards each individualized goal instead of trying to coach us into her own template for what works. Some coaching programs want you to follow their template, but that does not work for everyone! She also had us zoom WAY out and look at our long term goals and determine how each small goal can get us there. I also appreciated Shani's relatability. She is not coaching from a pedestal, she is really on our level trying to better herself as well.

Nicole Legare, M.D., Ophthalmologist, Practice Owner

I could relate to Shanika as a health mentor/coach. Working in similar healthcare field and having young children, it was hard to find time to workout or instill healthy habits. I was constantly facing mom guilt and self guilt when I don't reach my goals. I felt like being a part of her program/team of like minded women was so helpful. I felt like we were all going through the same struggles and so any health advice/support from Shanika felt more practical and attainable. 

Mary V Optometrist, Practice Owner

What is included in the Wellness Mastermind For Women in Medicine?

  • 6-Week group health coaching/accountability program to improve work life balance, burnout, and wellbeing
  • Weekly video trainings (you can attend them live or watch the replays)
  • Support for elevating your: nutrition habits, exercise goals, stress reduction and mindfulness habits, time management goals and more
  • Private online community for accountability in reaching your health and wellness goals
  • Join like minded women in healthcare
  • You will be eligible for our VIP membership after completing the 6 week mastermind for ongoing coaching support in your health & wellbeing goals!
  • Week 1: Prep Week - Burnout & Healthy Habits
    • Burnout Basics: What is burnout, and how can we prevent and manage it effectively?
    • Healthy Habits Basics: Together, we’ll craft a personalized health and wellness action plan tailored to your needs.
    • Mindset shifts and techniques to overcome dread, doubt, imposter syndrome, challenging patient encounters, anxiety at work, and burnout (these will be sprinkled throughout our 6 weeks together in mini trainings!)

    Week 2: Nutrition Focus

    • Learn nutrition in a way you never experienced during medical training.
    • Discover how nourishing your body leads to a healthier mindset and improved well-being.

    Week 3: Movement Focus

    • Many of us want to incorporate more exercise into our lives but struggle with consistency. This week, we'll create sustainable movement habits that stick.

    Week 4: Stress Reduction Focus

    • As women in medicine, we’re often treated like soldiers in battle without the right tools. While stress is inevitable, it doesn’t have to control us. This week, we’ll explore techniques and tools to make stress more manageable and less intrusive.

    Week 5: Time Management & Boundaries Focus

    • Learn strategies to increase efficiency and create more time for yourself in a world where time poverty is all too real. 
    • Implementing systems that enhance efficiency both at home and at work

    Week 6: Healthy Sleep Focus

    • Sleep is a powerful tool for rejuvenation, stress management, and brain health. This week, we’ll dive into how quality sleep can improve overall well-being and reduce the risk of chronic disease.
  • BONUS: email support from Shani as your dedicated health & wellbeing coach.

Tried creating new health and wellness habits without luck before? This group is for you!


This program offers a combination of self-guided resources and live Facebook trainings (with replays available). It’s perfect for those who want to feel better now but haven't been able to commit to 1:1 coaching.

This really exceeded my expectations. I never thought it was possible for me to stick with something and be consistent and make these lifestyle changes. I'm very impressed with myself and appreciate you.

Lisa T BS/RN, Mom of 2

I felt challenged creating good, sustainable habits and was looking for guidance on how to improve. I’ve actually been able to create good habits and stick with them. Do it! You won’t regret investing in yourself!

Julia Rose Peds Heme Onc NP

What value will you get from this Coaching?

Go from surviving to thriving.
Take control of your home and work life.


Learn how to take better care of yourself which ultimately influences how you care for your patients and those that depend on your- kids, family, community.


Understand more about how to nourish your body and how your mindset works to up level your wellness. Feel stronger in your mind and body. 


Tackle health & wellness goals that have been put on the back burner for awhile using the SMART approach through the Envision Your Wllness Framework.
Through increased self awareness you will open up doors of opportunity through increasing your confidence, creativity, and having a stronger sense of self identify. Keep boundaries. Get more organized, the list goes on! Ask for that raise. Change your career.


What is my investment?


Investing in your health is wealth friends

$267 (prices go up 10/1 to $534)

One-time payment

  • 6-Week group health coaching/accountability program to improve work life balance, burnout, and wellbeing
  • Weekly video trainings (you can attend them live or watch the replays)
  • Support for elevating your: nutrition habits, exercise goals, stress reduction and mindfulness habits, time management goals and more
  • Private online community for accountability in reaching your health and wellness goals
  • Join like minded women in healthcare
  •  You will be eligible for our VIP membership after completing the 6 week mastermind for ongoing coaching support in your health & wellbeing goals!

Still on the fence? 

If you're unhappy after our first week, or if you think it's not a good fit, I'll refund your full investment - no questions asked. Just send us a message or email us.

Thanks to working with Shani, I have lost weight, but moreover, I have gained confidence in myself at work and home. I feel more energy. I feel like the best version of myself. Thank you, Shani!

Monique D., MD

Through coaching, I've learned how to be more present with my kids. Coaching was not what I expected- it was challenging and rewarding. It was a beautiful journey thanks to Shani.

Kara M., CRNA

Everyone has a unique health & wellness journey. No matter where you are in that journey, the right strategy can help you reach your goals and create more energy in your life.

Still got questions? 

Check out some of the frequently asked questions about the coaching program.